Digital Learning Initiative Resources and FAQs
Why did we undertake the Digital Learning Initiative in Buncombe County Schools?
We implemented this plan because we want to be a leader in providing a world-class, future-ready, global education. Our goal is that all students will graduate as high-achieving and globally competitive learners with 21st Century skills.
Realistically, do we have enough devices for all students?
We are currently one-to-one with K-2nd grades having iPad devices and 3rd-13th grades having Dell 3190/3140 or Lenovo devices.
A brief history:
The first rollout (Phase I) for 4th-6th graders began in January, 2016. The next rollouts (Phase II) were 2016-17 for 7th-9th graders and (Phase III) 2017-18 for 10th-12th graders. Kindergarten-3rd graders used shared iPads until the rollout of iPads (Phase IV) during the 2018-19 school year.
Where is the money coming from?
Funding for the Digital Learning Initiative has been supported by local Capital Outlay Expenditure (Article 40/42) funding. It is important to note that local Capital Outlay Expenditure (Article 40/42)funds cannot be used for personnel.
Is the device durable?
Yes. The devices we select are specifically designed as educational tools. A four-year life cycle is expected with student care and education using our Student Device User Guide.
What if something happens to the device (i. e. broken screen or casing)? Who is responsible for it? Is there a deductible?
To insure that devices are properly maintained and timely repaired in the most equitable and affordable manner possible...
Students will be responsible to take care of their assigned devices, but safeguards are in place against accidental damage and theft. There is no up-front "technology" fee associated with being assigned a student device. Students and families should note the costs for intentional damage is explained in the Student Device User Guide. School-based media personnel review device care with students at the start of each school year.
Damaged student devices will be repaired at a BCS site by Technology Services technicians when possible. Loaner pool machines will be available at each school for day-use while a student's device is being repaired. Loaner pool machines may not be taken off campus.
Accidental Damage Protection has been provided since 2021 for the Dell 3140 laptop and iPads.
What about life cycle refresh?
We have maintained a four-year life cycle based on a three grade levels per year concept.
Will students keep the same computer throughout the year?
Yes, assuming they remain at the same school throughout the year.
Are students going to be allowed to take them home?
Take home timing will be a school-based decision made by principals and school stakeholders once the devices have been distributed. Student devices will be housed at the schools during summers in order to perform updates and maintenance.
What about sleeves or carrying cases?
Use of sleeves or carrying cases is a school-level decision. Schools may be seeking donations/sponsorships.
What happens when students access websites/games that they are not allowed to be on during class?
The Buncombe County Schools Code of Conduct and Technology Responsible Use (3225) policies will apply in all cases.
Will classrooms have charging stations?
In grades K-6, classrooms will be equipped with 30 unit carts to use for summer storage and charging purposes.
How will teachers be prepared to integrate the device more fully into day to day classroom life?
Thirty plus hours of introductory professional development and follow-up specific to digital learning was delivered by Buncombe County Schools curriculum specialists and instructional coaches along with Microsoft Teaching Through Technology and Intel Learning One-to-One Professional Development as follow-up during the initial phases of the project. Ongoing training is provided through our Digital Learning Department.
Will the network infrastructure be efficient enough to accommodate our needs?
Yes. As of July 2013, all Wide Area Network links were upgraded to 1 Gbps transport over scalable fiber and in 2014, we replaced all network switches with new Cisco switches. Also in 2014, we replaced legacy ethernet with fiber between all switch closets across entire district. As of July 2015, every classroom is outfitted with Wireless Access Point (WAPs) including multiple WAPs in media centers, cafeterias, and gymnasiums. Every classroom is equipped with audio/visual projection equipment.
Will these devices replace textbooks and other printed materials in the classroom?
House Bill 44 calls for educational content and curriculum to be "digital" by the 2017/18 school year, but we know there will always be a place for physical texts and curriculum materials. Buncombe County Schools is already a leader in the state in terms of incorporating Makerspaces and other hands-on learning opportunities. Variety is extremely important in a personalized learning environment, but the student devices will provide consistent access to quality electronic resources and up-to-date, interactive, on demand curriculum materials.
Where are other NC school systems in this process?
According to the Department of Public Instruction and the Friday Institute at NC STATE University and the North Carolina Digital Learning Plan approximately 684 schools were 1:1 across the state with 10 school districts 1:1 across all schools as of July 1, 2015. All NC Schools are now in some form of a 1:1 device initiative.