Welcome to the Eblen Intermediate School's Parental Involvement/Title I page and our Parent Resource Center. Here you will find links and resources to help your family get the most out of your child's education. At Eblen Intermediate School, we are committed to providing a variety of strong learning activities that promote active learning and problem solving, leading to a quality academic program.
What is Title I?
Title I Funding began as a part of the Great Society Program of President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, currently known as Every Student Succeed Act. The intent of the law is a highquality education for EVERY child especially to provide services to students who are a risk of not meeting the state academic standards. Title I funds are directed to schools with high poverty levels, which in Buncombe County are elementary schools with more than 40% free and reduced lunch participants.
Annual Meeting 2024
Annual Title I Meeting/Open House
Thursday, September 26th (5:00-6:30)